So, again, I look to my earth calendar and see that today, amongst many holidays observed around the globe by various countries, Somalia celebrates its indepedence. Somalia is in great contrast with the country I mentioned in my last post -Denmark. We don’t ever really get good news coming out of this country on the […]
View post →I have been having a great time these last few days, going out and drawing in the city with my husband and my baby James. We’ve been picking a place to go each morning and, after breakfast, we are on our way! Here are a couple of drawings I made as I people watched in […]
View post →According to my “earth†calendar, today is Midsummer Party day in Denmark. Many northern European countries celebrate Midsummer by building bonfires and having lots of fun. It’s origins go waaay back. Recently, I read how Denmark has been deemed the happiest country in the world. I remember being very intrigued by this and wondered how […]
View post →so james is officially crawling. there he goes reaching for his toys, stopping to study the most interesting bit of lint. see how he waves as he passes by. hi james!!
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